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Friday 18 March 2011

Ibu Kau Lah Satu-Satunya....

Sesungguhnya pengorbananmu wahai Ibu
tidak ternilaikan meski emas permata
sejak dari dalam kandungan
melahirkan kami ke dunia
menempuh saat-saat getir dan lara
penderitaan kesengsaraan pancaroba merata
silih berganti dan bertali arus
membelai kami dengan lembut dan manja
merawat kami dalam kesakitan dan kedukaan
mengorbankan kerehatan untuk kami
tanpa sekelumit keluhan dan rintihan
tutur  manismu bak titisan embun pagi
mendinginkan nurani pada kala kegersangan
nasihat dan pujukanmu bak mutiara kedamaian
Senyum tawamu membalut kemurungan dan kegusaran
dari alam bayi, kanak-kanak, remaja hingga dewasa
kau tetap utuh di sisi
setia dan tulus setiap detik
menyalakan obor perjuangan dan kegigihan
dalam meredah onak dan duri  kehidupan
doamu tidak pernah bernoktah
agar kami sentosa dan berjaya
agar kami menggalas harapan bangsa
agar kami menjadi insan berguna
Ibu, kami kenang kebaktianmu
Selamanya, selama-lamanya

Ibu Saya Sayang Ibu...

Wednesday 16 March 2011

JYJ donates $600,000 USD to Japanese relief aid

Pada tarikh 16, CJES Hiburan mendedahkan bahawa JYJ akan menyumbangkan $ 600,000 USD dalam bantuan kecemasan dan bantuan untuk Sendai Fukushima melalui World Vision.

JYJ menyatakan, "Kami sebenarnya cukup malu dan ragu-ragu tentang mengingatkan masyarakat sumbangan kami, tapi kami berharap bahawa orang lain akan memperhatikan tindakan kita dan mengikutinya. Kami berharap bahawa sumbangan tersebut akan digunakan untuk membantu pemulihan bandar dengan kerosakan terbesar, dan saya berharap bahawa orang Jepun mencari kekuatan untuk mengatasi dan mencari keselamatan secepat mungkin. "

Tidak hanya mereka akan menyumbangkan, tetapi anak-anak akan berangkat untuk meningkatkan kesedaran tentang bencana melalui tur dunia mereka, yang akan bermula pada 2 April. Trio ini juga akan menghantar mesej sokongan melalui laman rasmi mereka, SNS laman mereka, dan melalui program donasi mereka dengan World Vision.

Kim Hyung Jun’s lead dancer receives attention

SS501 Kim Hyung Jun baru-baru ini menjatuhkan album solo pertamanya, dan resepsi untuk melepaskan telah cukup kuat. Namun demikian, bunga dalam karyanya didorong ke tahap lain setelah netizens menjadi penasaran dalam memimpin penari untuk "oh nya! ah! "promosi.

Netizens tertipu dengan penari memimpin penyanyi, saat ini dikenali sebagai 'Goo Hara mirip', kerana kesamaan wajah yang mencolok antara penari dan bintang.

Walaupun identiti penari masih belum diketahui, netizens yakin untuk mencari info yang cukup lama, melainkan spekulasi bahawa ia akan menerima populariti bahkan lebih sekali identitinya akan terungkap.

Beberapa netizens berkomentar, "Kim Hyung Jun berdiri lebih lanjut melalui prestasi yang pertama", "Para penari membuat panggung jauh lebih menarik", dan "Setiap kali, mereka hendak segerakan 100%."

Debut 2NE1 di jepun ditanguhkan kerana bencana alam…

Kerana bencana alam yang boleh mempengaruhi Jepun, YG Entertainment telah mengumumkan bahawa mereka akan menunda debut rasmi Jepun 2NE1.

Kumpulan ini pada asalnya dijadualkan akan bermula bulan depan promosi dengan merilis single perdana mereka melalui Avex. Namun, pada Mac 16, Yang Hyun Suk berbicara dengan Star News dan mendedahkan, "Pada awalnya, kami akan mempromosi hingga Mei, tetapi dengan bencana yang mempengaruhi Jepun, kami telah memutuskan untuk menunda promosi 2NE1 Jepun ke tarikh kemudian."

Ia melanjutkan, "2NE1 dan wakil kita semua berharap bahawa warga Jepun tidak akan lagi dimasukkan ke dalam bahaya. Dan sekarang, kami tidak yakin pada bila-bila 2NE1 rasmi akan mempromosikan di Jepun, tetapi harus Jepun pulih dan permintaan untuk 2NE1, kami sedia untuk kepala lebih dari bila-bila masa. "

Korea mengenai kegiatan kumpulan, ia mengungkapkan, "Sekarang debut Jepun mereka telah ditunda, kita mungkin akan menerbitkan album comeback mereka di Korea awal dari yang dirancang. comeback mereka pada awalnya dijadualkan untuk bulan Jun atau Julai, namun fans mungkin dapat berharap untuk suatu keluaran ini April.

Monday 14 March 2011

Jo Hyun Jae celebrates his birthday (2006)

(Photos by MoneyToday Star News, Reporter Lee Kyu Chang)
Saturday, May 13, 2006 JHJ meets his fans~For his birthday - weblink, 5 stars
JO HYUN JAE meets his fans~During His Birthday Party!!!
(first published by Priscilla on Prisi4U at Xanga, edited for length here.)
I decided to write a report on JHJ's Birthday Party/Fan Meeting..... After all, news reporters already wrote aplenty about this today! ~I usually complain the reporters don't write much about him or is it JHJ's fault for 'avoiding the spot-light'?

So after reading enough of News Articles (and there are sooooo many of them!), I started reading the fans' reports -- they write more personal stuff and they're more detailed than the objective journalists! SO THE FOLLOWING is my Summary Report, after all that reading. I gathered everything (Fan's reports and News Articles) from JHJ's Fan Cafe 'Carpediem':

When: Sunday, May 7th, 2006, to celebrate Jo Hyun Jae's 26th birthday. (His real birthday is May 9th, and in Korea, he's a year older!) The starting time was set for 11:30 a.m.

It was organized by his largest Fan Cafe, 'Carpediem'. (He doesn't have an official fan club*, so 'Carpediem' can be considered his official fan club.) They met at a college theatre, and 500 fans attended. There were Chinese/Taiwanese and Japanese fans among them. A considerably large group of newscast was there as well.

The MC of the day was Magician Lu. Many fans wrote that this unknown magician did a great job leading this event. He was tall and handsome, and he looked very full of energy, doing so many things at the same time, running everywhere and throwing questions at everyone -- he even did some 'magic' during intermission! Everyone had a great laugh because of him!

He belongs to STAR-J (JHJ's agency**) and they're pretty close. Lu also mentioned that they hang-out together many times, and that JHJ even slept at his house. 'I should put the underwear he wore on sale one of these days!' (Or something like that!) The fans also wrote that he did most of the talking since JHJ didn't say much for the first 10 minutes, all JHJ did was laugh. But Jo's laughter was very real, so everyone was relaxed.

The magician knew how quiet JHJ is, so he made JHJ play some games. The actor confessed he's really bad at games, but he played along a 'pointing fingers' game, making everyone laugh. When he lost, he was told that he must write a letter to his fans before May 10th!

In another game, he had to answer the truth in 5 syllables. They asked him:

1. What's your secret? = That is (he thought for a few seconds) a secret!
2. What's your strength (personality wise)? = I've a good personality.
3. Your weakness? = I think too much.
4. How do you keep yourself fit? = I use a treadmill. (He got lots of cheers for this one because 'Carpediem' sent him a treadmill as a present!)

The fan who wrote the above said that they asked him more questions like this but that she couldn't remember. Another fan wrote that everything worked so much better than expected and that she wouldn't forget this day ever- but that she felt a bit burdened when hearing that he 'thinks too much.' She understands what that means since she tends to think too much also making life more difficult. He was also asked to tell them what he wished while blowing out the birthday candle, and to tell them how he would make up with his girlfriend, etc.

As the pictures already showed, other stars participated on this day. The first one to appear was the 'infamous' Ryujin! ^-^ Many articles reported this incident in detail. According to them, Ryujin was invited to come but he had declined, saying that he was too busy (he's presently working in the drama 'I Really, Really Like You'). His intention was to surprise JHJ at the party. So he came an hour earlier, but they met at the parking lot. When JHJ saw him, he asked 'What are you doing here?' Ryujin just smiled, caught on the spot!

During the meeting, Ryujin said that rumors that they didn't get along were false. He admitted he had a tough time during the shooting of Seodong's Song so that he hardly remembered much else! 'But we were actually pretty close, and we would hang out together whenever we had a chance!' At this, the fans shot back at them: 'Are you saying you aren't close anymore?' On the other hand, JHJ said that although Ryujin played a bad guy in the drama, he was actually really nice and very good at taking care of others. And that the rumors spread only because Ryujin acted very well!

Ryujin brought a T-shirt and a cap for JHJ, saying that the younger actor always wore the same one and it was stinking. Even Ryujin's manager, who happens to be a JHJ's fan, brought a construction toy of some sort. According to the article, Ryujin saw JHJ building something like a dinosaur while shooting the drama. Ryujin felt that it was nice to see JHJ doing other things even under so much pressure (when he had tons of things to memorize), so he too played along.

He also mentioned that they had celebrated the birthdays of so many other staff while shooting the drama, his included, and that Jo had participated in all of them. Ryu was just happy that Carpediem gave him a chance to celebrate the younger actor's birthday also. But then, Ryu had to leave soon, since he had to continue shooting for his present drama, which he had delayed in order to attend this party.

Another guest star was actor/model Lee Chun-Hui, who played JHJ's rival in 'Only You'. According to fans' reports, he stayed at the party the longest, participating in the 'pointing game,' where Lee had to write his name with his butt when he lost. Lee too mentioned that JHJ doesn't talk much, but that he's a really nice guy. They looked like they were really comfortable with each other, whispering things to one other and they even went to the men's room together!

Later, they read a fan's 'Love Letter' which brought up nostalgic memories of JHJ's beginning and that opportunity was taken to introduce another guest star: Soo-Ae, his co-star and love interest in his 2003 drama 'Love Letter'. JHJ was really surprised to see her, saying that it's been almost 2 years since he last saw her.

He also mentioned that this drama was his first leading role, and that she made him very comfortable back then; and that although she might give the first impression of being 'cold,' Soo-Ae was actually warm-hearted. According to Soo-Ae, JHJ makes her feel so comfortable he felt like a good friend at times, and at other times, like an older brother, or like a younger brother, or at other times, he felt like a lover to her! Ha!~ Many fans screamed at this: Oh NO!!!

But then, the MC asked the fans 'Which female star was best matched with JHJ?' The fans screamed at once: "Soo-Ae!" To this, Lu fired back, jokingly?: "They both belong to STAR-J! One of the rules is, no dating within the management!" (On a side note, I remember reading a report several months ago, where JHJ mentioned Soo-Ae, and Ji Jin-Hee from 'Love Letter', and Ryu Sung Bum from 'Sunshine Pours Down' were among the few stars he kept in touch with.)

I also read that his foreign fans sang happy birthday to him in Japanese and in Chinese, and that they were given the chance to hug him but one fan didn't want to let him go, so much that she was rebuked! On JHJ's part, he too sang to his fans: First, he sang 'I Love You' by Position. The fans encored him so he sang 'Sarangtoo' by Yoon Do Hyun. A fan wrote that she worried at first when she realized he'd sing 'I Love You,' one of her favorites, but a tough one to sing! But he did it so well she understood why he was a singer before!

Descriptions of him followed. Everyone agreed that he looks a lot better in person than in front of the camera, and that his face is really small. But some said that while on TV he comes out too angelic, there is a tough side that you can only witness face to face. But others disagreed saying that he still looked 'beautiful' and not 'tough.' One thing I found very interesting is that, according to their description, JHJ's side profile is very different than his front profile. They said they both give different feelings, the front one being softer and the side profile being sharper. In addition, most agreed he looked really happy all throughout the meeting, but that he looked very tired by the time he was greeting everyone. Actually, I read that he caught a severe cold before and that he was in bed for many days. During the meeting, he was coughing many times, and he looked very skinny.

Also, when asked what his next project would be, he said that he had not decided on that yet. And one fan also mentioned that according to Lu, JHJ quit smoking. But she was just hoping this would be confirmed. According to another fan, JHJ smelled a little like cigarette, but he was just coming out of the men's room which was full of smoke. So we shall see!

At the end, he shook hands with all 500 of them, one by one. One fan wrote that he shook hands one person per second. So she thought of a way to make her encounter a bit longer. When she was in front of him, she screamed: 'Get well soon!' So he paused for a second to look at her and to smile. She felt so clever for doing that. So she wrote at the fan cafe: 'Others saw him face to face for only a second. I saw him for 2 seconds. This means I got to see him twice as long as everyone else!!!' Another one said that she was so nervous she looked down while shaking hands; she only got to see his side profile up-close! She regretted this so much she felt like hitting herself! Overall, I think the meeting ended later than expected, but no one was complaining! And the fans continued celebrating even after the Fan Meeting was over!

P.S. I forgot to mention that the club also did some fund raising, I believe... and that they were going to donate that to help cancer research. A few days ago, another article talked about another fund-raising event (a star-clothes selling event) where Carpediem Fan Club caught the media's attention for their serious involvement in social activities.

After His Birthday Party - weblink, 5 stars
JO HYUN JAE wrote to his fans!!!

Translated by Priscilla Title: Nice to meet you! (May 9th, 2006)

It was great to meet everyone who attended the birthday party.
My only regret is that I wasn't feeling well. Had I been healthy, it would have been even better.
I was very happy to see so many people coming to congratulate me.
Thanks to you all, I was able to celebrate my birthday in a joyful and fulfilling way.
People also came from faraway countries.

I hope that, not only them, but everyone who came on that day had a great time like I did.
I always receive so much from you.
I really don't know how I could repay you for all the love you have shown me.
I believe that the person I am right now would not exist without you all.
I will never forget the love and encouragement I received from all of you: the people who attended the birthday party and all the fans who watched me through the years.

I will try my best to come back to you through a better piece of work, showing you a better part of myself.

Take care of your health and be happy always*^^

(* Editor's note: The Jo Hyun-Jae Official Fan Club was established in Japan in June 2008.)
(** Editor's note: Star-J was JHJ's old agency; he is now with Star n Hit.)

IU - Story Didn't Know Lyric

Korean Version : 나만 몰랐던 이야기(na-man mol-lat-tteon i-ya-gi)

jeongmal neon da ijeotdeora
bangabge nal boneun neoui eolgul boni
geujeya eoryeompusi apaodeora
sae sal chaoreuji mothan sangcheoga
nunmureun heureujil anhadeora
ibyeorira haneun ge daedanchido mothaeseo
ireohge bojalgeoteobseoseo
joheun ibyeoriran geo, gyeolgug sesangen eobtneun iriran geol
aratdamyeon geuddae charari da ureodulgeol
geuddae imi naraneun geon negen kkeutieotdaneun geon
naman mollasseotdeon iyagi
sarangeun anieotdeora
nae gyeote meomuldeon siganieosseul ppun
ijeya eoryempusi argeotman gata
wae neon mianhaesseoyaman haetneunji
naega neomu deuldeosseotna bwa
ddeonaneun sunganmajeo gidaereul haesseotdani
eolmana useuwotdeon geoni
joheun ibyeoriran geo, gyeolgug sesangen eobsneun iriran geol
aratdamyeon geuddae charari da ureodulgeol
geuddae imi naraneun geon negen kkeutieotdaneun geon
naman mollasseodeon iyagi

English Translation :

You really did forget everything
Seeing how happily you’re greeting me
Only then did I vaguely begin to feel the pain
The wound that had yet to appear on my skin
The tears would not come
Since this farewell didn’t seem significant
Since it felt so inconsequential
A pleasant goodbye ultimately there can be no such thing
If I had known, I would have cried it all out then
At that time, that I was already a part of your ending
Was a story only I didn’t know
So it wasn’t love
It was just a moment which you spent by my side
Now I’m vaguely beginning to understand
Why you could only apologize
I must have been too excited
The very moment you left me, I was expecting you again
How foolish was I?
A pleasant goodbye ultimately there can be no such thing
If I had known, I would have cried it all out then
At that time, that I was already a part of your ending
Was a story only I didn’t know

click here to download IU – The Story Only I Didn’t Know

Saturday 12 March 2011

Foto-Foto Gempa Bumi Dan Tsunami Di Jepun 2011

2011 Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami

A massive 8.9 magnitude earthquake hit the Pacific Ocean nearby Northeastern Japan at around 2:46pm on March 11 (JST) causing damage with blackouts, fire and tsunami. On this page we are providing the information regarding the disaster and damage with realtime updates.
The large earthquake triggered a tsunami warning for countries all around the Pacific ocean.
Local Japan Emergency dials:
171 + 1 + line phone number to leave a message
171 + 2 + line phone number to listen to the message

Friday 11 March 2011

Amaran Gempa Bumi Dan Tsunami 2011..

Friday, March 11, 2011

Amaran TSUNAMI 2011

KUALA LUMPUR – Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia menasihatkan orang ramai agar menjauhi pesisir pantai Sabah dan Labuan dari jam 6 petang hingga 12 tengah malam ini sebagai langkah berjaga-jaga dan waspada kemungkinan berlakunya ombak besar.
Dalam laman web, Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia melaporkan satu gempa bumi kuat bermagnitud 7.4 skala Richter telah berlaku berhampiran Perairan Timur Honshu, Jepun  pada pukul  2.15 petang, hari ini.
Pusat gempa bumi tersebut terletak di Latitud 36.0 Utara Longitud 141.2 Timur, 4078 kilometer Timur Laut Kudat, Sabah.
Orang ramai dinasihatkan agar menyebarkan maklumat ini kepada seramai dan secepat mungkin.
Dalam pada itu, Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia turut melaporkan satu gempa bumi kuat berlaku di laut Bali pada jam 01:09 pagi hari ini.
Gempa dengan magnitud 6.5 pada skala Richter itu telah berlaku di Laut Bali dengan pusat gempa bumi terletak di 7.1º Selatan dan 116.8 Timur, 1033 kilometer dari tenggara Sarikei, Sarawak namun tiada ancaman tsunami dikeluarkan.
Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia sedang memantau perkembangan ini dan akan memaklumkan yang terkini.
Gempa Bumi Skala 8.8 Di Jepun, Amaran Tsunami Dikeluarkan
Sementara itu, Bernama melaporkan, gempa bumi berskala 8.8 skala richter telah menggempa Jepun di bahagian timur laut Honshu Jumaat lalu dan amaran tsunami berketinggian 6 meter telah dikeluarkan, hasil dari laporan sebuah agensi berita dari China, Xinhua.
Agensi meterologi Jepun menyatakan bahawa magnitud gempa bumi yang melanda Honshu adalah berskala 7.9.
Namun, pasukan tinjauan geologi dari Amerika Syarikat kemudiannya menyatakan bahawa ianya adalah berskala 8.8.
Gempa bumi tersebut berlaku pada jam 2.46 petang waktu Jepun dan gegaran dapat dirasai hampir di seluruh kawasan pesisir Jepun termasuk Tokyo dan Osaka. Gegaran itu bermula 382 kilometer di kawasan timur laut Jepun dan berkedalaman 10 kilometer dari dasar laut.

Antara kawasan yang terjejas teruk akibat daripada gempa bumi tersebut adalah Kamaishi, Wilayah Iwate dan beberapa kawasan rancangan televisyen. Sebuah kilang nuklear di wilayah tersebut juga telah ditutup susulan daripada gempa bumi tersebut.
Jepun telah mengeluarkan amaran tsunami yang berukuran 6 meter dan Pusat Amaran Tsunami Pasifik di Hawaii menyatakan amaran kepada Jepun, Rusia, Kepulauan Marcus dan Kawasan Utara Mariana.
Amaran tsunami turut dikeluarkan untuk Guam, Taiwan, Filipina, Indonesia dan Hawaii.

sumber :

Nokia C3 Spelifications

The Nokia C3 is a user-friendly and affordable smartphone that comes with a Wi-Fi and full QWERTY keyboard. It’s a slim at 13.6mm and lightweight device that weighs in at 114g and at 58mm it’s a little bit wider than the average candybar phone, but that’s so it can easily accommodate the full QWERTY keyboard.

The Nokia C3 is a smartphone with key features that include Nokia Messaging 3.0 IM/SMS service for social networking, QVGA landscape display, WLAN, MP3 player, 2.0MP Full Focus camera and memory card support for up to 16GB. Other features include contacts on homescreen and also Stereo FM radio, Flash Lite 3.0, Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR and MIDP Java 2.1 with additional Java APIs. The low price of this phone meant Nokia had to cut down on some features like 3G, so you must rely on Wi-Fi signal for your web browsing and on checking out your social networking sites. But the lack of 3G in Nokia C3 is nothing to complain about, since there are lots and lots of free Wi-Fi hotspots where you can access free internet with this lovely Nokia C3.
The Nokia C3 is also powered by the old Symbian S40 Operating System which is really a downer since the Nokia C5 sports S60 OS. But just like the other phone, every phone has its value to excel. You will find the keyboard on the Nokia C3 to be great, the battery life is outstanding and the sheer easy-to-use makes it one of the better entry-level devices on the market today. You can easily change the background theme and icons on your own. For easy ringtone personalization, Nokia C3 support the following formats: MP3 ringtones, .mid, AAC, eAAC, eAAC+, WMA..
You can get live Facebook and Twitter feeds right on your home screen and you can manage your email up to 10 personal email accounts. You can also Chat using Windows Messenger, Yahoo messenger, Google Talk and Ovi Chat. You can access Calendar and music with dedicated widgets on your home screen. When it comes to storage, the 55MB of internal memory is best saved for updates and such like, while the supplied 2GB microSD card has enough memory space to get you making the most of the MP3 player and downloading new apps via Ovi Store, you will find that it supports cards up to 16GB in size, so memory space shouldn’t be an issue at all.
Nokia C3 is available in Slate Gray, Golden White and Hot Pink color combination.
Key features:
*  Full-QWERTY keyboard
*  Quad-band GSM/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900
*  802.11b/g Wi-Fi support
*  Solid Social Networking Sites integration on the homescreen and with dedicated buttons
*  2.4″ 256K-color QVGA display with excellent sunlight legibility
*  2 megapixel fixed-focus camera
*  QVGA video recording at 15fps
*  Series 40 UI, 6th edition
*  Stereo FM radio with RDS, Visual radio
*  Bluetooth (with A2DP)
*  Standard microUSB port
*  microSD card slot (8GB supported, 2GB included)
*  3.5mm audio jack
*  Battery life -800 hours stand-by
*  Great audio quality
*  Reasonable price

Thursday 10 March 2011

Dasar Kawan Tikam Belakang!!!

nih sorang lagi ska sangat jaga tepi kain orang, kain dia dh terkoyak kat tpi msh lgi perangai Like Demon... Huh!!!kesian kat kawan baik aku tuh... kat depan orang ramai plak tuh dia tanya... dia tanya "Dah tak Bocor???" buat malu kawan aku jer... kesian kawan aku tadi... kawan aku cakap dia jadi macam tuh coz dia tahu yang kawan aku sorang nih sedang hangat bercinta dengan Syazwan. Shazwan nih boyfriend lama budak jahat tuh, tapi dah lama putus coz budak jahat nih mana pandai jaga boyfriend... Maybe jaga lembu boleh kot... hhuhuhuh... tapi kawan aku nih dah lama simpan perasaan dan cintanya pada syazwan, dari tingkatan satu lagi... cuma budak jahat nih jer yang halang... Dasar perempuan Jalang!!!... Bila lah ko nk berubah.. jadi lah macam aku tetap memiliki hati yang suci... hihhihi....

Stupid Punya Kawan

Geramnyer dengan kawan aku sorang nih... Baru aku thu sekarang yang kawan aku nih perangai macam ape... Sekelas dulu bukan main hormat aku tapi dh x sekelas perangai macam hantu... dah lah hodoh, mulut lgi lh... masa sekelas dulu slalu senyap depan aku tapi sekarang bukan main ngata lagi aku... tak pe mungkin nih hari engkau, tapi kau ingat ek Zurai... esok hari pembalasa aku  Hahahah (Gelak Jahat). Dah lah berlagak nak mampossssss!!!! mcm lah handsome... kalau nk dikirakan dengan aku.... macam jauh langit dengan bumi... handsome aku lagi... Nanti Kau Zurai.... Dasar Stupid Cow...

Wednesday 9 March 2011

New Fashion Of 2011...

After School Rindu UEE

Group-nya sukses mencipta nama menerusi "Bang!", namun UEE gagal enyertai keana sibuk dengan jadual lakonannya yag padat. Hal tersebut menyebabkan setiap sorang ahlinya merindui UEE! menurut  Kahi, sejak UEE mengikuti penggambaran drama "Birdie Buddy" setiap ahli After School mula terasa akan kekosongan yang ditinggalkkan oleh nya. "saya selalu merindui UEE & saya suka kalau sentiasa berada di sampingnya. Walaupun seorang tiada, namun ia tetap terasa jika semuanya berkumpul. saya rasa kitorang semua rindukan UEE,terutemanya untuk berada di atas pentas. Walau bagaimana pun , kitorang takde pilihan lain selain mengharapkan yang terbaik pada kerjayaanya. tambah Kahi yang juga ketua After School.


Percaya @ Tak, Goo Hara sebenarnya suka berbogel ketika berada sendirian di rumahnya.Pendedahan tersebut di buat sendiri oleh nya ketika menjadi tetamu dalam sebuah rancangan hiburan terkenal di korea. Menurut Goo Hara, dia berbuat demikian kerana dia mahukan keselesaa. " kalau saya duduk di rumah, saya akan berbogel. Takde satu pun pakaian yang saya pakai. saya selesa engan cara begitu," Tambah ahli Kara berusia 20 tahun yang begitu terkenal dengan jolokan "Ratu Semut" kerana memiliki ukuran pinggang yang sangat kecil. "Saya juga sering tidur tanpa pakaian," tambahnya lagi. Pengakuan Goo Hara tu bukan jer memeranjat kan penonton-penonton yang hadir,malah ia turut memeranjatkan semua ahli 2AM yang menyertai ancangan terebut.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Status Tertinggi Girls' generation

Kejayaan demi kejayaan yang diraih lewat akhir-akhir ini berjaya membantu Girls' Generation meraih pengiktirafan sebagai artis "Wanita Berkumpulan Kebangsaan Korean". Memetik laporan yang dikeluarkan oleh sebuah badan penyelidikan perfesional korea, Gallup Korea, Girl' Generation layak mendapat gelaran tersebut kerana girl group tersebut berjaya mencapai konsistensi dalam kariernya yang dimulakan sejak dari tahun 2007 lagi. Selain jualan album melebihi 100 ribu menerusi dua buah album mini nya, GEE , TELL ME YOUR WISH (GENIE) , & HOOT, pencapaian Girls Generation juga diukur menerusi kejayaanya meraih anugerah "Artis Of The Year" selama dua tahun berturut-turut.

Kejayaan Kedua KARA...

KARA sekali lagi mencatat sejarah di Jepun apabila album terbarunya, "Girl's Talk"
meraih status platinum! Menurut sumber, "Girl' Talk" yang menjadi album pertama Jepun KARA berjaya mencatat jualan melebihi 250 ribu unit selepas dikeluarkan pada November tahun lalu. Album tersebut yang memuatkan hit bertajuk "Jumpin" turut tersenarai sebagai satu-satunya album artis korea yang berjaya mencatat kedudukan tertinggi dalam carta Oricon. "Sammbutannya masih lagi menggalakkan. Ia mugkin akan mencapai ke angka jualan 300 ribu unit dalqam masa terdekat ni." tambah sumber. Sebelum ni KARA pernah mencatat sejarah di Jepun. Album kompilasi Jepun pertama, "KARA Best 2007 - 2010" berjaya meraih jualan melebihi 135 ribu unit cuma dalam jangka masa yang singkat.

Three Brother Ost.. (Download Song On Thatt Link)

Three Brothers OST

By starones

Release Date:2009.10.29

01 거부할 수 없는 不能拒絕 - 나비(Navi)
02 사랑 그까짓게 愛情 這種事情-에스더 (Esther)
03 이여자야 女人呀(Dance Ver) - 박현빈(Park Hyun Bin)
04 이여자야 女人呀(Acoustic Ver) - 박현빈 (Park Hyun Bin)
05 마취 麻醉 -화요비 (火曜飛)
06 세월이 흐르듯이…歲月流逝… -박강성(Park Kang Sung)
07 Baby Tell Me -유주 (U Joo)
08 왜사랑은… 為什麼 愛情 -태율(Tae Yul)
09 남자야 男人呀 -김세현(Kim Se Hyun)
10 거부할 수 없는 (Orch ver) 不能拒絕(Orch ver)
11 세월이 흐르듯이 … (Orch ver) …歲月流逝… (Orch ver)

[ Download OST]

Title: 수상한 삼형제 / Susanghan Samhyungje / Three Brothers
Chinese Title : 可疑的三兄弟
Also known as: Suspicious Three Brothers
Genre: Romance, drama
Episodes: 50+
Broadcast Network: KBS2
Broadcast period: 2009-Oct-17 to 2010
Air time: Saturdays & Sundays 19:55
Kim Sun Kyung is a retired police officer and father of three sons, Gun Kang, Hyun Chal and Yi Sang.
His eldest son Gun Kang made many wrong decisions in life, ending up being divorced and going bankrupt. Gun Kang gets remarried to Chung Nan. His second son Hyun Chal is the envy of the town and pride of his father. He runs a number of businesses which are quite successful. His wife Woo Mi often sacrificed her happiness for the benefit of the Kim family. As for the last son Yi Sang, he follows in his father’s footsteps by becoming a police officer. Oftentimes the father and the son clash each other. As Yi Sang married Eo Young, the daughter of his father’s deadly foe, an ex-convict Sun Kyung traced and eventually arrested a long time ago.
“Three brothers” revolves around their relations full of conflicts and love.
Kim family
Park In Hwan as Kim Soon Kyung
Lee Hyo Choon as Jun Kwa Ja
Ahn Nae Sang as Kim Gun Kang
Do Ji Won as Eom Chung Nan
Oh Dae Gyu as Kim Hyun Chal
Kim Hee Jung as Do Woo Mi
Lee Joon Hyuk as Kim Yi Sang
Oh Ji Eun as Joo Eo Young
Joo family
No Joo Hyun as Joo Beom In
Lee Bo Hee as Kye Sol Yi
Jang Da Yoon (장다윤) as Joo Bo Young
Go Se Won (고세원) as Jae Soo

Sunday 6 March 2011

DIGI Live Kpop Party In Malaysia

lpa lak aq nk upload Digi live kpop party, mas tuh aq n friend pgi tau... kitorang x dtg sekolah 1 minggu semata-mata nk tgk idola kitorang nih...
nih kwn2 baik aq.. Ika, Milin, luci, Emilia dan Lili... diorang bli tiket online pastu diorang terlebih bli 6 so diorang ajak lah aq pgi sma... ktorang meginap di rmh akak Ika di bangi, mula2 nya mak aku x kasi pegi tapi lps aq pjk punya pjuk bru lah mak aq bgi tuh pn mak aq call akak aq spaya tgk2 kn aq kt Kuala lumpur..

 Korang tgk lah kt ats tuh... beribu-ribu org dtg tau... aq n kwn2 aq yg lain rsa mcm nk mati kt sna.. tpi apa pn kitorang puas hati ke sana...

Pesembahan pertama dimulakan dgn persembahan yg membawa lagu "I'll Go If U Dont Get Off" aq n kawan2 yg lain menangis giler dgr lgu tuh...
ni lak lagu kedua G.Na "Black And White" lagu baru tau... kitorang yang ada kt sna sume terhibur dgn lagu nih.... huhuhuhu...

Persembahan kedua plak di bawa oleh kumpulan 4Minute yaitu HuH dan Hot Issue... dh mmg hot dh pn kat sna... kitorang yg ada kat sna menjerit smpaikn separuh pekak telinga aq...

Hot kn Diorang Sume nih u olz...
 Persembahan terakhir di bawa oleh kumpulan Beast iaitu " Beautiful n Shock" ktorang kt sna Shock giler dengan group Beastnih.. hihihi... perlukan bantuan doktor.... tolonggggggg.....
Habis je show tuh G.NA,Beast,4Minute membuat sidang akhbar di mna wartawan2 bertanya soalan...
yg paling aq n kawan2 benci mcm mna 2 ekor nih dpt tiket percuma ke Korean... Gerammmmm!!!! beruntung diorang dpt tiket penerbangan free n siap mkn mlm bersama Beast,G.NA,4Minute lak tuh.... klu naq dpt tiket tuh... sah-sah aq x blk malaysia lgi... huhuhuhuhuhuhu.....
Nih Lah bdk dua org tuh yg berjaya mndapatkn tiket ke korean... tapi x pe.. klu ada rezeki nti aq nak pergi melancong ke korean bersama rakan-rakan.... semingu lps tuh aq ke sekolah... korang tahu ape alasan aq... aq ckp aq kna dmam sesema... hahahahah.....

Saturday 5 March 2011

6 Tip GiGi PutiH!!!!

Ramai yg mengidam barisan gigi yg cantik & putih.Membuat rawatan semestinya menelan belanja yang tinggi.Sedikit tip rawatan untuk memutihkan gigi.

Gunalah straw jika korang sedang menikmati air kopi, th, minuman bersoda mahupun anggur merah. dengan demikian, minuman tu tak akan terkena pada gigi korang secara langsung.

Perbanyakan makanan yang berperanan sebagai pemutih gigi contohnya buah-buahan & sayur-sayuran. Buah-buahan yang berkesan untuk membersihkan gigi adalah epal, wortel & daun seleri.

Dikenali sebagai buah pemutih gigi yang sangat istimewa. Hancurkan buah strawberi, kemudian tempelkan pada seluruhan gigi. Selepas dua minit gosok gigi sehingga bersih.

Jauhi ubat gigi mengandungi bahan kimia. Guna ubat gigi berfluorida seperti yang disyorkan oleh pakar pergigian.

Gosok gigi tiga kali sahari & selepas korang selesai makan. Namun hati-hati dalam memberus gigi. Jangan terlalu kasar kerana gusi agak lembut & sensitif.

Paling cepat adalah dengan cara bleaching @ pemutihan. Rawatan ni banyak tersedia di klinik-klinik & ia mampu bertahan selama dua hingga tiga tahun.

Jaga Lah GiGi Ada Krana GiGi Penting Dalam Kehidupan Seharian...


JYP Entertainment, 123-50,

Cube Entertainment,
3rd Floor,

Starship Entertainment,
Seonho Building,
2nd Floor, 577-92,
Seocho-gu, Seoul